I AM > From Another Province
From Another Province

If you are a newcomer to Ontario from another Canadian province or territory, you will need to apply for health coverage through the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP). To apply for OHIP coverage, you must go in person to a Service Ontario Centre. To find more information visit the OHIP website.
If you are an eligible resident moving to Ontario from another part of Canada, the health insurance of your former province/territory may cover you during the waiting period for OHIP coverage. If you are not covered by another province/territory, it is important to buy private health insurance to cover you until your Ontario health insurance coverage becomes effective. Certain groups are exempt from the 3-month waiting period; contact the Service Ontario INFO line at 1-866-532-3161 or visit your local ServiceOntario Centre to find out if you may be exempt from the waiting period.
To find an AIDS Service Organization (ASO) or HIV/AIDS programs near you, call the Ontario AIDS & Sexual Health InfoLine. For information in English and many other languages call: 416-392-2437 or 1-800-668-2437 (toll-free in Ontario), and for French call: 1-800-267-7432 (toll-free in Ontario). The InfoLine is free and anonymous.
In Ontario, you can dial 211 on your phone or visit 211 Ontario to find an ASO and other HIV/AIDS programs in your city or town. Use your location to find services near you.
You can also visit HIV 411 and search for an ASO using your postal code, or the name of your city or town.
In Ontario, health care is confidential under the Personal Health Information Act. If you want to learn more about service providers’ privacy and confidentiality policies, do not be afraid to ask them directly.
If you do not have a lawyer and require legal advice, contact Legal Aid Ontario for assistance in over 200 languages call: 416-979-1446 or 1-800-668-8258 (toll-free). If you do not qualify for legal aid, you can find a lawyer by clicking here. People with HIV who are new to Ontario can get free legal advice and information about immigration from the HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario (HALCO). To talk to a lawyer about HIV and your immigration status, contact HALCO at 416-340-7790 or 1-888-705-8889 (toll-free in Ontario).